This week Phil had an email from the Peter Crathorne (Hub Trustee) regarding funds for The Hub and it was extremely sad to read that the income expected to arrive at the Hub from grant applications and other sources has failed to materialise.
The big challenge is that, as Government and County funds are continually cut from essential local community services, more and more groups like the Hub are applying to diminishing sources of grants, so increasingly there will be less available to organisations such as theirs.
The simple truth is that if they don’t receive the sponsorship and funding they will be unable to provide the community with the invaluable support they need. It will affect the work they do amongst the elderly, but more heart breaking is the fact that it will lower their ambition to work towards eliminating loneliness in the community and protecting the young people from “The Jackals” who surround them determined to lure them into illegal and desperately unsafe activities
MPA are 100% behind the Hub and It was agreed unanimously by the trustees of the MPA Charitable Foundation to once again support them and donate £5,000 to help in this unprecedented difficult time they find themselves in.