The MPA Charitable Foundation has lent its support to a fellow Independent Financial Adviser (IFA) taking part in this year’s “Oz and Armonico Cycle and Sing for Dementia – Great Bike Challenge 2024”.

The 200-mile fundraising cycling challenge, now in its sixth year, aimed to raise £20,000 to support valuable singing projects for people living with dementia.

Headed up by TV personality, wine writer and all-round super supporter, Oz Clarke, the four-day ride saw the singing cyclists begin at Armonico Consort’s home in Warwick and take on a route via Oxford, Thame, Marlow, Windsor and Winchester to the Lighthouse, Poole.

En route the cyclists and musicians from the music charity Armonico Consort, sang and played for residents, giving mini performances at six care homes along the way. They encouraged people to sing along, clap and play percussion instruments to songs which featured a mix of beautiful Baroque music to well-known songs from stage and screen.

“Music can reach back to a time when people were young and happy and for people living with dementia, it remains in the memory when so much else has been forgotten. In every care home we visit, we see a transformational effect as that memory is awakened and the residents engage so well with the music and singing.” said Oz Clarke.

Armonico Consort is a critically acclaimed choir and instrumental ensemble renowned for inspiring audiences with passionate performances, providing imaginative singing opportunities for young people through their singing education programme, and helping people living with dementia through the power of music.

Gerald Slora, IFA at local firm Davidson Pert Financial Associates and Appointed Representative of MPA, took part in the challenge raising funds, adding: “Thank you to everyone who has kindly supported me and the dementia choirs we will be able to establish off the back of this support. I hope you can see the video and get some experience of what we have done.”

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