In April last year we informed you of the news that we had teamed up with a firm called Independent Check Ltd to produce a range of short animated videos that help to explain, in simple language different aspects of financial planning.

The latest 3 videos available now – Have a look;

Pension Freedom – NEW

Rebalancing a Portfolio – NEW

Residence Nil Rate Band – NEW

Financial Planning for Business Owners 

Life Assurance

Investing Income 

The Importance of Asset Allocation

MPA Estate and Tax Planning

How to optimize returns on your Pension Plan

Cash Flow Financial Planning

The Benefit of Financial Advice

Income Drawdown

With our strap line ‘Inform, Educate, Inspire’ at the heart of everything that we do here at MPA, these videos have already proven to be successful and Phil McGovern, Managing Director, is keen to continue to develop our ever-growing catalogue further in the future, so watch this space!