As part of our ‘MPA Introduces’ we sit down with Chris Wheeler, who has been at MPA Financial Management for over 5 years..
1 – How long have you been in Financial Services for?
After putting myself back through college doing an accountancy course I got a job with an investment provider 14 years ago doing their accounts. I helped a colleague out with reconciling client holdings and doing the odd capital gains calculations here and there. From there my role adapted to include the setting up and running the Self Invested Pension Scheme (SIPP). My introduction to pensions was Phased Capped Drawdown calculations
2 – How would you describe your approach to Financial Planning?
I tend to do things backwards. Start by establishing what a client’s end goal is and then put together a plan as to how I can help them achieve it, ensuring we cover off any potential threats to that plan. Of course, people’s plans change, so you’ve got to be flexible enough to adapt over time.
Now for those who don’t know Chris directly, we thought the next few questions would help you get to know him more…
3 – Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?
Having recently moved, I hope that in 10 years’ time I have finally finished the decorating and have a little more spare time on my hands.
4 – If you and 3 people were stuck on a desert island, who would you chose and why?
Bear Grylls… because supposedly he will know how to keep us alive while we are stranded
Captain Cook…I always remember learning about him at school. Being the intrepid explorer, he should be able to get us off the island (assuming it’s not Hawaii that is!) and should have a few interesting tales to tell along the way.
The comedian Russell Howard… to help keep spirits up because you always have to look on the bright side (and he may help improve some of my “Dad” jokes!)
5 – Where’s the best place you have visited and where is the one place that you would like to visit?
The best place I have visited so far is Kenya, I went on Safari around a number of the national parks. To get so close to lions, leopards, rhinos and the hundreds of giraffes was something I will never forget, that and getting chased by hippos on Lake Nakuru!
I would love to visit Khao Phing Kan in Thailand, one it’s the site of Scaramanga’s island hideaway and two it’s a very different culture to experience.
6 – What’s your favourite film?
It’s got to be a Bond film, difficult to pick just one favourite but possibly Spectre. My favourite character is definitely Jaws, who I got to meet in 2013.