For this week’s blog we sit down with our very own Joe McGovern, who is our newest Adviser here at MPA Financial Management Limited…
How long have you been in Financial services for?
I started scanning documents at a financial company 9 years ago as they were moving to a paperless system. That’s really where I was first introduced to the world of finance. After university, I moved onto a graduate financial adviser training programme in Manchester. I worked as a client support administrator for two and half years. As a client support administrator, I worked with a specific adviser, processing new business, dealing with ongoing client queries and writing client reports. The time spent as an administrator has given me a good grounding and understanding of the industry. I then moved to MPA a year and a half ago as a trainee financial adviser where I shadowed one of our previous advisers in the lead up to his retirement.
How would you describe your approach to financial planning?
My main goal is to provide a more holistic and well-rounded financial approach that isn’t limited to one aspect of a client’s finances. Excusing the blanket statement but I feel that generally, advisers can sometimes have a blinkered approach to advice, focusing on only one or two facets of financial advice (i.e. Pensions & Investments). I try to ask the right questions to ascertain a client’s entire circumstance to pinpoint potential areas where advice is required.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?
I feel that financial advice is something I want to be in for the long term and I think MPA is great company to work for. The goal I suppose is to be as qualified as possible, so I can provide the best advice for all my clients.
Now whilst we know about Joe “the Adviser”, we introduce three different questions aimed at finding out more about Joe McGovern – there may be a few things you may or may not already know…
If you could have a meal with 3 people, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
My first pick would be Billy Connolly. I find him absolutely fascinating- he’s really funny, an unbelievable musician and just seems a great guy. Sir David Attenborough would be my next guest as I love watching all of his wildlife documentaries. I just imagine him to have an infinite number of stories he could tell which is great for a dinner party. My final guest would have to be some sort of sporting icon, either someone from the England Rugby World Cup winning squad in 2003 or from the England Cricket Squad for the 2005 Ashes. Rugby and cricket are both sports close to my heart and would love to get a first-hand insight into what it was like playing in such a successful team.
Where is your favourite place you have visited and why?
I’ve travelled a fair amount, but I think my favourite place so far is the French & Swiss Alps, specifically Chamonix. I had a Geography trip during university there and walking upon the hillside and looking down into the valley below, the scenery was unbelievable.
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self?
The financial adviser in me would probably say “save as soon as you can” but if I could say one thing it’d just be to do what you enjoy. As cliché as it is, if you enjoy something then you do the job to your fullest potential- I certainly have found that in the job I currently do.
If you would like to speak to Joe, please do not hesitate to email him on –