In light of recent government updates, MPA treats the safety of its staff with the utmost importance and as a result has today adopted a plan to reduce the number of staff within the office, with effect from Wednesday 18th March 2020.

The Management team at MPA initially held a meeting with each staff member individually to discuss the practicalities of working from home, but most importantly assess if any of our staff members are vulnerable.

On completion of these meetings, the Management team has constructed an initial rota, which will be reviewed daily, that sees the number of people in the office reduce to 10 or below, on any given day.  This is to fall inline with the recommended guidelines which states that “gatherings” should involve no more than 10 people.

Please note that whilst the staff footfall within the office is reducing, the message to our clients is “business as usual”.

We have worked closely with our IT team to ensure that everyone that is scheduled to work from home has all the access required to enable them to work effectively and therefore, despite the logistics of our team changing for the interim, we will be working at full capacity.

MPA would like to thank all of our staff for their cooperation and continued support of the Company, with all of our staff stating that they are willing to do what is best for the Company and our clients – we really do have a great team!