Calling all Solicitors!!…..
Solicitors face challenges in advising clients on their pensions both when drawing up wills and when administering estates after the death of clients, how can you advise clients without straying into financial advice?
As Personal Representatives you know all about paying IHT, but would you be able to calculate whether any tax is due in respect of pensions or how to report this to HMRC?
MPA Financial Management and Prudential are running a seminar for Solicitors covering key aspects of administering pensions before and after the death of a client. We will cover:
Pensions after death: To what extent do you help the families with the deceased’s pensions as part of the estate administration?
- We will cover executors’ responsibilities including the tax treatment of pension death benefits and the two year rule
- Who can inherit pensions and the best course of action to minimise tax liabilities
- Varying nomination forms and dealing with pension trustees.
- The Lifetime Allowance test and hidden traps for executors, Lifetime Allowance Protection and applying for this posthumously, working with HMRC
Pensions before death: Pensions can be a significant portion of a client’s wealth, used to pass down through the generations, but are you helping clients take advantage of the tax benefits of inherited pensions?
- The importance of and drafting of death benefit nominations and why these should be addressed alongside wills
- Use of bypass trusts and their pros and cons.
Case studies of real cases will be presented to provide an insight into some of the opportunities to obtain the best outcomes for clients and avoid serious pitfalls.
The seminar will be presented by Andrew Nash, one of Prudential’s top technical pension specialists and Ann Baguley an Independent Financial Adviser with MPA Financial Management Ltd, one of the Midlands top Independent Financial Advisers and pension specialists.
The event will take place via Microsoft Teams and will run for 45 minutes, allowing 15 minutes for questions. CPD certificates will be provided by Prudential.
To register for the seminar, please respond to and we will send you a link nearer the event.